Every consumer, when choosing, collects information about features which are relevant to his/her choice. The point for a company is to know what these features are. The product, the price, the availability, the image, and the reputation, are the quality clues that the consumer can collect.
In the minds of every consumer, they have, basically, a connection between the benefits and the sacrifices and the features of the value proposition.
“Il box per te” was born during lockdown. On my journey to discover tea, I come to the conclusion there’s always more to learn about tea, and often it’s hard to find great tea. After a long research over the web and grocery store shelves,
I come up with the idea of offering a great selection of tea though a subscription base offer.
From there I have developed a product page that captures email addresses to grow a list. A social media strategy was put in place to create the hype on the product (mainly through Instagram). Photo shooting and branding was heavily involved in this project.
Skills involved: Design, Digital, Art direction, Social media skills, Food Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Market and Consumer Insights.

Food Projects Coming Soon
Let’s start with the basics. Good coffee packaging should serve multiple functions: it should protect the coffee from air, moisture, light, and odours; it should be convenient to use and store; it should convey information about the coffee’s origin, roast level, flavour profile, and brewing instructions; and it should represent the brand and appeal to the target audience.
To achieve these functions, coffee packaging typically consists of three layers: an outer layer for branding and design, a middle layer for structural support and protection, and an inner layer for freshness and aroma retention. This section explore all the possibilities we have when we talk about coffee packaging.
Coming soon